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THe second body has four times the mass. In response to the same graviational force, the second will weigh 4 times as much.

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Q: What does it mean if one object has a mas of 5 grams and another object has a mass of 20 grams?
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What do you mean by mass of matter?

The mass of matter refers to the amount of material in an object or substance. Mass is a measure of the quantity of matter in an object and is typically measured in units such as grams or kilograms.

Mass what does it mean?

Mass refers to the amount of matter in an object or substance. It is a measure of an object's inertia and is typically measured in units such as grams or kilograms. Mass is different from weight, which takes into account the force of gravity acting on an object.

What does it mean to know the mass of an object?

it means that you found the mass of an object.

What does mass mean in science form?

Mass in science refers to the amount of matter in an object. It is a measure of the inertia of an object and is often quantified in units such as kilograms or grams. Mass is a fundamental property of matter and is distinct from weight, which takes into account the force of gravity acting on an object.

The compound that has a mass of 18 grams?

Water (H2O) has a molar mass of 18 grams, if that's what you mean.

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The mass of brass can vary depending on the specific alloy and object in question. However, the density of brass is typically around 8.4 grams per cubic centimeter.

Does mass and weight mean the same thing What does mass and weight in similar?

Mass and weight are not the same thing. Mass is a measure of the amount of matter in an object, while weight is the force exerted on an object due to gravity. Mass remains constant regardless of location, whereas weight changes based on the strength of gravity. Additionally, mass is measured in kilograms (kg) or grams (g), while weight is measured in newtons (N) or pounds (lbs).

What do you mean by 'mass'?

Mass refers to the amount of matter in an object. It is a measure of an object's inertia, which is the resistance of an object to changes in its motion. In simpler terms, mass tells us how heavy an object is.

What is the physicall propierties of mas?

I assume you mean "mass".Mass is a property of an object that provides two things: * It provides the object with inertia. If an object has more mass, it is harder to accelerate the object (basically to make it go faster, or slower, or to change the direction of its movement). * It makes objects attract one another, through a force called gravity.

What would have happened if objects had no density?

Density is simply mass divided by volume, so that would mean either that the object has zero mass, or that it has a huge extension.Density is simply mass divided by volume, so that would mean either that the object has zero mass, or that it has a huge extension.Density is simply mass divided by volume, so that would mean either that the object has zero mass, or that it has a huge extension.Density is simply mass divided by volume, so that would mean either that the object has zero mass, or that it has a huge extension.

What does it mean when one object is more dense than another?

When one object is more dense than another, it means that it has more mass packed into the same volume. This results in the denser object being heavier for its size. Water, for example, is more dense than air because there is more mass per unit volume in water than in air.

Why is the word average used in 50 nails have a mass of 200 grams. What is the average mass of one nail?

"Average" is another word for "mean." If 50 nails have a mass of 200 grams, the average mass of one nail is 4 grams. When nails are made, they are not all exactly the same - there is a slight variation in the make up of each nail, and thus in the mass of each nail. Given that 50 nails have a mass of 200 g, the (mean) average mass of each nail is 200g / 50 = 4 g; however, there will be some nails that have a mass less than 4g, (eg 3.99g, 3.95g, 3.9g) and some with a mass greater than 4 g (eg 4.01g, 4.05g, 4.1g), but they are all have a mass of about 4g. (It is likely that they are normally distributed about the mean mass of 4g.)