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It designates that both parents have the same rights to make decisions on pertaining to the child's/children's welfare. Such as schooling, medical care, participation in sports, etc. Although if compromises cannot be made the court will not trouble itself with the trivial issues, such as whether or not a child should be allowed to play soccer. Hopefully all decisions that need to be made by the parents will be amicable and in the child's/children's best interest.

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Q: What does it mean if the custody agreement is equal?
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With 5050 custody can you move and take the children?

Only if it states it in a custody agreement. Every agreement has a section for that.

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Can prenuptial agreements determine custody of children?

Generally:A couple could execute a prenuptial agreement that mentions the custody of the children if the couple should split. A court may consider that agreement if custody becomes a contentious issue it but would be under no obligation to abide by it. Courts make custody orders on the basis of what is best for the children. Two individuals signing an agreement regarding custody cannot tie the court's hands on that issue.Generally:A couple could execute a prenuptial agreement that mentions the custody of the children if the couple should split. A court may consider that agreement if custody becomes a contentious issue it but would be under no obligation to abide by it. Courts make custody orders on the basis of what is best for the children. Two individuals signing an agreement regarding custody cannot tie the court's hands on that issue.Generally:A couple could execute a prenuptial agreement that mentions the custody of the children if the couple should split. A court may consider that agreement if custody becomes a contentious issue it but would be under no obligation to abide by it. Courts make custody orders on the basis of what is best for the children. Two individuals signing an agreement regarding custody cannot tie the court's hands on that issue.Generally:A couple could execute a prenuptial agreement that mentions the custody of the children if the couple should split. A court may consider that agreement if custody becomes a contentious issue it but would be under no obligation to abide by it. Courts make custody orders on the basis of what is best for the children. Two individuals signing an agreement regarding custody cannot tie the court's hands on that issue.

If you have been separated for over a year but is still married and the child has been with the mother the whole time does she have full custody until custody is decided?

The mother has de facto custody. I do not know whether a separation agreement is involved defining legal custody, but from the sound of your question, I doubt it. Usually a fair Court with all things being equal will allow the child to remain with the mother until custody is decided. However, the determination of custody is not made until there is a signed agreement so Ordered by a Judge or a Court issues another legal paper, for instance a Judgment or an Order, that incorporates that signed agreement or until a judge decides custody. Mildred Michalczyk

Can a non-custodial parent claim a child if he has the child only two percent of the time?

Generally, no. You need to check your custody agreement and state law. Many states allow the parent with physical custody to claim the child as a dependent.Generally, no. You need to check your custody agreement and state law. Many states allow the parent with physical custody to claim the child as a dependent.Generally, no. You need to check your custody agreement and state law. Many states allow the parent with physical custody to claim the child as a dependent.Generally, no. You need to check your custody agreement and state law. Many states allow the parent with physical custody to claim the child as a dependent.

Does a father in nc have to give back his child to the mother in sc if no court order custody is in place?

No, both parents have equal rights to the child. If the child is currently living with the father, then he has established temporary custody. A court will need to decide upon a formal custody and child support agreement.

How do we establish a legal custody agreement for an unborn child in the state of Michigan?

A custody agreement will need to be done through an attorney for an unborn child. This will be presented to the judge who will decide what happens.

Why is there an agreement on 0 being equal to 1?

They are not equal, and there is no such agreement.

Does an absent parent have to financially support his child at university?

The terms of a custody agreement can vary. To determine if the absent parent is required to help pay for university, you must refer to your custody agreement.

Is the parent who has custody of children the primary insured on a dental insurance?

You will need to read your custody agreement. There is no general rule.

What is shared legal custody mean?

Shared legal custody means that both parents have equal rights to make decisions regarding the child. One parent may have physical custody with the non-physical-custody parent paying child support.

The agreement between 2 parents is custody to mother but weekends for father if the mother dies who would get custody?

the father gets the custody of the child if the mother dies