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Q: What does it mean if you have a creatnin level over 300?
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If you mean 55/5 divided by 300 then the answer is 11/300

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Where any of your apendages can get to be over 300 pounds.

You had ectopic pregnancy last month and had surgery on Feb 5 Today you were told that your HCG level is higher over 300 What does that mean?

I had ectopic pregnancy last month on 5th and had emergency surgery. And that was bad because I did not have blood draw to check for my HCG level once weekly like I was told to, I was soo busy and did not think about going back to dr for blood works. Finally I went to see dr and I had my blood draw last Friday. And they told me today that my HCG level shows high over 300. Does that mean suppose to mean? If that means I am pregnant. How can that be possible? I mean so fast. Or could that be mistake?

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it woul be 300 with over 400,000 zeros

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i'm 4&1/2 wks prego and my hcg level is 300

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there r over 300 there r over 300 there r over 300

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Not until we evolve further and use more of the brain a little over half that is genius level currently

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Level 300

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300 over 500 is 60%

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It depends on high your power level is. If its over 9000 then you'll burn about 300 cal.