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Q: What does it mean if you sneeze more than twice?
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What does sneezing 3 times mean?

Just means you normally sneeze more than once

What does it mean when u sNeeze more than once?

They say that when you sneeze three times straight, you're boyfriend/girlfriend is cheating on you. However, I'm not sure, but that's what they say.

Why do you sneeze more than once?

You sneeze more than once because the first sneeze wasn't enough to clear your nose. You keep sneezing until whatever was irritating your nose is blown out.

Why does the sun have more gravity?

If you mean more than Earth, it has more mass. Twice the mass will cause twice the amount of gravity (at the same distance).

Is sneezing hereditary?

no,we actually sneeze because everyone on earth has a slight dust allergy,or a major dust allergy,those with average will sneeze no more than usual,aand people with large will sneeze more than usual,and people with very small will rarely sneeze,however this is very rare.

How many germs are carried in a sneeze?

More than one

What does 3 plus 2n mean?

Three more than twice a number.

Why do some people sneeze louder than others?

Some people get more dust and dirt in their noses and it makes them sneeze louder.

What does it mean when you burn yourself more than twice in a week?

Heart Protector is out of balance

What does non convex mean?

A line found that meets in its space more than twice

What does twice over mean?

The phrase, twice over means that someone has given it a second look. A person has checked it more than once.

What is a tenth more than 05?

if you mean .05, then a tenth is .1 so it is twice as large as .05.