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I'm currently 29 weeks pregnant, according to my LMP (and ultrasound). But when I saw my doctor today, she told me my fundus measurement was slightly larger than 29 weeks. (It actually measured about 30 to 31 weeks.) She told me that sometimes the measurement can be larger or smaller depending on the baby's position.

!!! RAJordan

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Q: What does it mean if your fundus measurement is higher than the number of weeks you are?
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If the fundus measures bigger than gestational weeks what does this mean?

Your fundal size is just the size of your uterus measured from your pelvic bone. It is just an estimate for when you cannot actually "see" the baby. You increase your fundus size in a measured proportion. It just means that your measurement is bigger than expected for your gestational size. You could be carrying a lot of fluid or it could be a big baby (or twins!). There is nothing to worry about!

What could it mean if your fundus has not grown any in two weeks?

It could mean several different things. Did you go to the same doctor for measurement each time? If not, each doctor measures differently - two weeks is not a long enough period of time to determine that there has been NO growth if you have different doctors measuring you, or even if the same doctor is measuring you. It's hard to get an exact measurement because there are differentials that come into play. Be sure to ask your doctor at your next appointment. If there is still no growth, I would recommend that you request an ultrasound. God Bless.

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The answer given make no-sense. 7 cm above symphysis = 7-9 weeks pregnant!!?? The fundus should not be able to be felt at all at this stage!

What does height of fundus mean?

during routine prenatal visits a Doctor will measure you uterus in centimeters, your centimeters should equal gestational age. IE. 26 cm 26 weeks

I am 27 weeks pregnant and im in pain with my ribs and back the midwife tells me the baby feels large for my weeks and i measure 35 centermeters from ribs to lower navel do you think the baby is big?

Before 12 weeks the uterus normally sits too low to be felt protruding over the pubic bone.Starting at 12 weeks, the top of the fundus is first felt at the top of the pubic bone, from 12 weeks on - a normal growth will be about 1 cm per week gestation, from the top of the pubic bone to the top of the fundus.At 14 weeks the fundus will be 2cm (+12) past the pubic bone, for a total measurement of 14 cm so at 27 weeks, the measurement from the mothers' pubic bone to the top of the fundus should measure 15 cm (+12) for a total of 27 cm.A fundus/uterus measuring large for dates may indicate your due date is off, a multiple pregnancy (twins), your baby is positioned high above your pelvis, which might be the case with a breech baby, or an abnormally high amount of amniotic fluid causing the uterus to be larger than expected.if your uterus is growing more rapidly than it should. You may also have unusual abdominal discomfort, increased back pain, shortness of breath, and swelling in your feet and ankles. If you have these symptoms, your midwife should send you for an ultrasound.At 27 weeks your baby is between 14.5"/36 cm - head to toe and weighs 2 lbs /875 gm.At 35 weeks your baby will be about 18"/47 cm and will weigh 5.5lbs /2.7KgA difference of 8 cm (8 weeks!) is too much to leave to chance, you need to get an explanation from your midwife on "large for dates" or decide if you could have miscalculated your LMP. Otherwise you may want to talk to your midwife about getting an ultrasound to determine why there is such a difference.if you are not confident in the numbers your midwife is using you should see an Obstetrician and again request an ultrasound to determine if there is a miscalculation or if there is something going on...

How do doctor feel your stomach for a baby?

they feel for your fundus (top of uterus) and unless you are 10 weeks or so, they cant feel anything because your fundus is still behind your pubic bone. after that the doctor can estimate how far along you are. contrary to popular belief, you start growing from the bottom, and grow up, the baby does not start mid-section and grow out.

Why do they measure your belly during pregnancy and what does the measurement mean?

From the top of your pubic bone to the top of your bump is about the same in centimeters as the number of weeks of pregnancy, after 20 weeks. This will give your doctor/midwife a good indication of how well the baby is growing.

What should the location of the baby be in relation to the navel area of your stomach?

That depends how far along the person is. We measure to the top of the uterus (the "fundus") at each visit to check for normal growth of the baby. For most women, the top of the uterus reaches the umbilicus (belly button) by about 20 weeks of pregnancy. It then goes approximately one centimeter higher per week until the end of pregnancy (about 40 weeks). Hope that helps! Dr. B.

Is time a unit of measurement?

Time is not a unit of measurement, but there are measurements that are done in units of time. Examples are seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, and years.

If I'm 29 weeks pregnant and measuring 26 weeks?

You could be experiencing a low amniotic fluid volume, which can throw the measurement off.

Whatheightof fundusat32weeks of pregnancy?

Generally 1cm per week measured from the pubic bone to the top of the fundus. So 32 weeks = 32 cm. This can be give or take a couple of cm so long as there is growth between measurements.