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Q: What does it mean that counter lines are far apart?
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What does it mean when the contour lines are far apart?

The land is relatively flat.

Contour lines that are far apart indicate?

Contour lines that are far apart indicate gradual slopes, while contour lines that are close together indicate steep slopes.

On topographic maps contour lines that are far apart indicate?

On topographic maps, contour lines that are far apart indicate gentle slopes or gradual changes in elevation. The farther apart the contour lines, the flatter the terrain.

How far apart is the white lines on the highway?

30 feet

What kind of topography does contour lines that are far apart indicate?

Contour lines that are far apart indicate a gentle slope. Because contour lines connect points with the same elevation, wide spacing indicates that the elevation is not changing drastically.

How far apart are the lines in rugby?

100 yards from tryline to tryline.

Parallel lines are how far from one another?

They can be any distance apart

Would a steep slope on a topographical map have lines close together or far apart?

they have to be close together if they are far apart it means it is a flat area

How many lines are in 1 cm?

It depends how far apart they are. It could be an infinite number.

What kind of slope give you lines that are close together and what kind gives lines that are far apart?

If the "contour interval" ... the elevation difference between lines ... is the same everywhere on the map, then the lines will be closer rogether on steep ground, and farther apart on flatter ground.

What on a topographic map the elevation of an area with contour lines that are very far apart is?

nearly flat

Are contour lines closely spaced or far apart to indicate steep hills?

Closely spaced