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Those numbers are orders of magnitude on the Richter scale. The Richter magnitude scale was developed in 1935 by Charles F. Richter of the California Institute of Technology as a mathematical device to compare the size of earthquakes.

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Q: What does it mean that one earthquake is a 6 and another is a 7?
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If you mean the Axis of the Earth, yes it did. By 6 degrees.

What is the difference in energy released by an 5 earthquake and a 6 earthquake?

A magnitude 6 earthquake releases about 32 times more energy than a magnitude 5 earthquake. The energy released by an earthquake increases exponentially with each incremental increase in magnitude.

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Nova - 1974 Earthquake 18-6 was released on: USA: 6 November 1990

Approx how many times more powerful is an earthquake with a score of 7 than 1 with a score of 6?

An earthquake with a magnitude of 7 is 10 times more powerful than an earthquake with a magnitude of 6. This is because the magnitude scale is logarithmic, meaning that for each whole number increase in magnitude, the amplitude of the earthquake's waves increases tenfold.

Why is a 6.0 magnitude earthquake so much more destructive than a 5.0 magnitude earthquake?

Because the "magnitude scale is not linear, it is logarithmic (its numbers are an order of magnitude apart) this mean that the a magnitude 6 earthquake is TEN TIMES more powerful than a magnitude 5 earthquake and a HUNDRED TIMES more powerful than a magnitude 4 earthquake.

Why is 6.0 magnitude earthquake so much more destructive than a 5.0 magnitude earthquake?

Because the "magnitude scale is not linear, it is logarithmic (its numbers are an order of magnitude apart) this mean that the a magnitude 6 earthquake is TEN TIMES more powerful than a magnitude 5 earthquake and a HUNDRED TIMES more powerful than a magnitude 4 earthquake.

Why might a magnitude 7 earthquake have less intensity than a magnitude 6 earthquake?

A magnitude 7 earthquake can have less intensity than a magnitude 6 earthquake if it occurs farther away from populated areas. The intensity of an earthquake is influenced not just by magnitude, but also by factors such as depth, proximity to populated areas, and the local geology of the area affected.

What does it mean when you have a number and then one parenthesis and then another number?

If you have an expression like 2(3), the parentheses indicate multiplication, making the answer 6.

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Cybill - 1995 Earthquake 4-6 is rated/received certificates of: Argentina:Atp

What time was the earthquake in Chile?

The earthquake was at 3:34 local time and 6:34 UTC.

What is a list of the most recent natural disasters within 6 months?

Haiti earthquake, Chile earthquake, China earthquake, Iceland Volcano