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atoms in solids are arranged in a fixed pattern's it is very difficult to compress them and change their shapes

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Q: What does it mean that the shape and volume of a solid are fixed?
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What does the word liquid mean in science?

A substance which has no fixed shape, but takes on the shape of its container, and has a fixed volume at a fixed temperature. It is not compressible.

Fixed shape what does it mean?

It basicly means; in science, that a stable shape of non-changing elements.

Does definite shape and volume also mean a solid?


What do you mean byvstates of matter?

Putting it simply. There are 3 states of matter with distinct properties: Solid: fixed volume and shape. Liquid: fixed volume but will flow to fill a container. Gas: volume is not fixed and it will expand to fill the container it is in. In some vases this classification breaks down and there is a whole area of chemistry/physics dedicated to describing and classifying such cases.

What does finding the volume of a prism mean?

A prism is a solid geometric object. If you know its shape and dimensions you can calculate its volume.

What does it mean when you find the volume of a solid shape?

It's the amount of cubic space within it.

Can you find the volume of a solid without a shape?

if i assume that by "without a shape" you mean having an irregular or difficult shape to use math equations to calculate then you could use water displacement for example, in a measured container filled with a specific pre-measured amount of water, noting the volume, add the solid and now you can subtract the old volume from the first to get the solid's volume

What is fixed volume?

Fixed volume In terms of gases,is that a fixed volume would mean that the pressure, temperature and the number of molecules can change but the volume, or area in which the molecules lie, must remain constant. Think of a metal drinking bottle versus a plastic bottle. You cannot squirt water from a metal bottle because the shape is fixed, therefore the volume. You can squirt water from a plastic bottle because you can change the shape and reduce the volume.

What does do you have a solid mean?

matter with a definite shape and volume and has tightly packed particles that move mainly by vibrating

How do you measure the volume of a solid triangular shape?

Assuming you mean a tetrahedron, the volume is 1/3*area of base*height cubic units.

Is a Substance is a liquid it has a definite volume and definite shape?

Definite volume and definite shape mean they aren't going to change, regardless of the container you put them in. In other words, it's a solid. Whether you put a cement brick in a square box, triangle shaped box or heart shaped box, the brick's shape is still a rectangle. A liquid doesn't have a fixed shape - it will take the shape of whatever container you put it in.

What does it mean to have no definite volume or shape?

They do not have the exact volume or shape.