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Power to inspire admiration or enthusiasm in other people.

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 16y ago

you have charm. people like being around you.

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Q: What does it mean to be 'charismatic'?
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What does charismatic mean?

Charismatic refers to having a compelling charm or attractiveness that inspires devotion and enthusiasm in others. It commonly describes individuals who possess a magnetic personality and excel at captivating and influencing people.

What is the antonym of charismatic?

There is no antonym for charismatic.

Who has charismatic authority?

The hearer or viewer has the authority as to rather a person is charismatic. I am very charismatic in my Christian faith, but to some, I may not be perceived as being charismatic.

What figure of speech is charismatic?

The word 'charismatic' is the adjective form of the abstract noun charisma.The noun 'charismatic' is a concrete noun as a word for a person, an adherent of a charismatic religious sect.

How do you use the word charismatic in a sentence?

You are so charismatic and cool.

What is the term for Charismatic movement?

The Catholic Charismatic movement is called:Catholic Charismatic Renewal. see link below for more information

How would you use the word charismatic in a sentence?

John is a charismatic leader who easily captivates his audience with his charm and enthusiasm.

Use charismatic in a sentence?

Amy said that her dad is a charismatic leader.

What is a sentence using the word charismatic?

The charismatic leader captivated the audience with his powerful presence and compelling speech.

What is the difference between a charismatic leader and a transactional leader?

what is difference between charismatic and transactional leadership

Charismatic in a sentence?

He's a very well-spoken, charismatic candidate who's sure to get attention and win votes. Many young people joined the cult because of its charismatic leader.