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-- You are looking at a 'digital' clock.

-- The displayed time is after 12:00 and before 10:00, either AM or PM.

If you're talking about like you look at the clock and it's 1:23, or 2:34, or 3:45, or 4:56, or 6:54, etc. It's pretty much just coincidence, but you notice it and remember it more, than if the time is 2:37, for example.

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Q: What does it mean to constantly see three numbers in a row when looking at a clock?
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Divide the face of the clock into three parts with 2 lines so that the sum of the numbers in the three parts is equal?

You group the numbers 11,12,1,2.Then you group the numbers 10,9,3,4.last you group the numbers 8,7,6,5.

How can you divide a clock into three equal parts with two lines?

To divide a clock into three equal parts using two lines, the lines must intersect at the center of the clock face. You can draw two lines from any point on the clock face that intersect at the center of the clock, effectively dividing it into three equal parts.

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The three consecutive whole numbers you are looking for are 1, 2, and 3. The sum of the first two numbers, 1 + 2 = 3.

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An analogue clock.

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This would mean that the average of the three numbers would be 189 / 3 = 63.Therefore the three numbers you are looking for are 61 + 63 + 65.

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Numbers that have only two factors are prime numbers. You're looking for the next three prime numbers over a certain number. But, you didn't tell us what number the three numbers have to be greater than.

How can you make a pie pan clock?

Get a pie pan and decorate it with numbers put the numbers three six nine and twelve first to create correct spacing and put the rest of the numbers on it and poke a small hole in the middle of the pan and cut out some hands and attach the brad. Or if you want to make the clock work like a real clock you put a battery in get a clock mechanism off the back of anothor clock or get a clock crafts three piece kit. If your taking a clock apart take the hands off and mechanism if the clock your taking apart has no mechanism with no screw get some super glue and glue it on there to hold the back of the clock. And if your using a clock crafts three piece kit step one Place rubber cushion over shaft. Step two Insert shaft through hole in clock surface. Step three Insert shaft through clock face (if appropriate). Step four Place dail plate washer over shaft. Step five Attach dial fixing hex nut. Step six Attach hour hand and press lightly. Step seven Attach minute hand. Step eight Lightly screw minute nut in place. Step nine Press second hand in place. After you done all the steps insert a fresh battery and your clock will begin to keep time. The time can be set by turning the time set knob on the back of the clock movement.