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it means that they are the same angles but eaither enlarged or smaller than the original ~Carol

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Q: What does it mean to correspond in size?
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What does correspond mean in geometry?

same as

What is meant by relative size when choosing a font size?

Relative size is an option in the style tab. It means that the size should be relative or correspond to the others.

Are men with big noses better lovers?

Depends on what they do with their noses....Nose size does not correspond with the size of other body parts.

Does having big feet mean you will be tall?

sometimes it depends on the genes and the appearances on their parents

What is the American size for a british size 30 pants?

The American size for a British size 30 pants is a size 28. These sizes correspond to a waist of 127 cm and bottom hips of 149 cm.

What does Asymmetrically means?

Having parts that fail to correspond to one another in shape, size, or arrangement; lacking symmetry.

How do you write correspond in a sentence?

You need to correspond with your pen pal. They will think the worst if you do not correspond with them.

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What does concoincides mean?

"Coincides" means to occur at the same time or place; to correspond in nature or character.

When to use in correspond with and in correspond to?

Use "correspond with" when referring to written or spoken communication between two parties. Use "correspond to" when talking about something matching or being similar to something else. For example, "I correspond with my clients via email" and "His actions correspond to his beliefs."

How do I know what size clothes my kid should be wearing?

Usually kids wear the size clothes that correspond to their age; however the best fit for your child is what size is comfortable with growing room. Personnly I buy about 1 size larger than the age.