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# To change the nature or natural qualities of. # To render unfit to eat or drink without destroying usefulness in other applications, especially to add methanol to (ethyl alcohol).

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Q: What does it mean to denature?
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What are the factors of denature enzymes?

Factors that can denature enzymes include high temperatures, extreme pH levels, and exposure to certain chemicals or solvents. These conditions can disrupt the shape and structure of the enzyme, leading to loss of its function.

If the rh is low so what effect on enviourment and your body?

do you mean pH? If the pH in our body is low enough it will denature the proteins that are involved in all our metabolic processes as well as the tissue we are built out of. Denature means to break apart.

If you put an enzyme in an increasing temperature then the enzyme will denature?

yeah above 45degree C, it starts to denature

When does brewing yeast denature?

If denature = dead then at high temperatures, high alcohol content, high/low pH

What is a change in this can denature a protein?

Temperature, pH, organic solvent, mechanical forces

What are four substances that can denature proteins?

Acids, high temperatures, organic solvents, and heavy metals can denature proteins.

What things can you do to an enzyme to denature it?

heat it

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What is denature in science?

Denature - if it is to do with biology than it is the fact that at high temperatures, An Enzyme`s active site will change in shape, It is now Denatured.

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What does ammonia do to things?

Ammonia will denature enzymes.