To summarise something
Cells would die because of the light.
Conclusion? What are the propositions that the fly has given me, or that you have given me concerning flies, upon which I can draw one?
Scientists decide whether their data supports or refutes their hypothesis or prediction; they look for possible errors...
When someone puts two and two together, they draw an obvious conclusion from what is known.
It means to draw a conclusion.
To summarise something
By observing and analyzing information give to us we infer or conclude an outcome. It's an inference.
Math is a language not a science. Better stated Math is a pure language. In addition, math is used to model a science and eventually draw conclusion from it.
It means to draw a conclusion.
conclusion in geometry means the answer that you and your group came up to and that is what the word conclusion means in geometry.
He could not draw a conclusion on the basis of conversation. This is an example using the phrase draw a conclusion.
In science a inference is a attempt to explain a observation
Cells would die because of the light.
an answer
Given all the evidence in the story, how do you believe the main character is feeling? Your conclusion will be based on the evidence you have, not on your guesswork. Something about the evidence will lead you to certain feelings on the part of the main character. You will draw a conclusion based on this evidence.
To imply is not the same as to draw a conclusion.A person making a statement can imply.The person listening can infer, or draw a conclusion.The conclusion is also called an inference.