

Best Answer

to estimate is to think it out and its like rounding but you think of the closest answer

5 or more up the score 4 or less let it ress

ok im a different person..and umh i dont understand wat u mean?

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Q: What does it mean to estimate using clustering?
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What is the definition of clustering in?

Clustering in means gathering at a particular place. People clustered in the shelter during the rain.

What is a example for the definition of clustering?

This is a two part question. Clustering is when you group a set of objects in a way that the objects that are placed in the same group are similar. An example of clustering is the gathering of different populations based on language.

How is KNN different from k-means clustering?

K-Nearest Neighbors is a supervised classification algorithm, while k-means clustering is an unsupervised clustering algorithm. While the mechanisms may seem similar at first, what this really means is that in order for K-Nearest Neighbors to work, you need labeled data you want to classify an unlabeled point into (thus the nearest neighbor part). K-means clustering requires only a set of unlabeled points and a threshold: the algorithm will take unlabeled points and gradually learn how to cluster them into groups by computing the mean of the distance between different points.

How do you estimate the sum of a group of decimals using clustering?

Okay let me think of an example you went to the store to buy the following items: Chicken Wings - $1.24 Popsicles- $1.30 Whoopee Cushion - $1.46 Meat- $1.30 now lets estimate the total cost for all that Each item is about $1.30 and you bought 4 items so when you cluster them together you will end up with the equation of 1.30 x 4 = 5.20. Thank You

What are facts about clustering in math?

clustering is when you have a math problem like 1999+2110+1879 you would round all the numbers to 2000 so it would look like this 2000+2000+2000=6000

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What is meant by the term 'server clustering'?

When using the term server clustering in reference to computer lingo, this would mean a group of of servers running Windows Server 2003. One can find more information on the Wikipedia website.

What does chameleon in hierarchical clustering algorithm mean?

Chameleon is a hierarchical clustering algorithm that merges two clusters based both on inter-connectivity and proximity

A sentence using a word clustering?

The data analyst used word clustering to group similar terms and identify patterns in the text data.

What is 4.52 plus 3.699 plus 4.1754 plus 4 estimated using clustering?


Types of clustering algorithm?

Clustering algorithms may be classified as listed below:Exclusive ClusteringOverlapping ClusteringHierarchical ClusteringProbabilistic Clustering

What is the process of clustering servers?

The process of a clustering server is too set up a basic clustered IBM webspherrer process server installation using a step-by-step approach for a simple, yet-robust clustered topology.

What does clustering mean?

Having too many items in one little spot.

What is the benefit of using clustering in your enterprise data management scheme?

Scalability and Redundancy. Load balancing and increasing availability.

Use clustering in a sentence?

You will note that the iron filings are clustering around the magnet in a pattern.

What are the difference between clustering and cross enrollment?

what are the difference between clustering and cross enrollment

What does clustering?

Clustering requires makers of similar products to congregate their operations in a small geographical location.