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Q: What does it mean to find the square in a number?
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What does it mean to find the square root of a number?

It means you are finding what number multiplied by itself will give you the number you are finding the square root of.

What does it mean to find a root of a number?

It means you are finding what number multiplied by itself will give you the number you are finding the square root of.

The sum of a number and its square is 6 Find the number?

There are two solution: -3 and +2.

What does i mean in algebra?

i means imaginary number or what you would find the square root of to make -1

How do you find out if a number is a square?

square root it

What is the mean square of 68.15?

There is no such thing as a mean square of a single number.

Why do you derive mean deviation from mean?

This means the average deviation from the average. So first find the average. Then, one by one for each item, find the difference of the item from your average. Ignore the sign when the difference is negative. Find the average of these by adding up and dividing by the number of terms. Instead of ignoring the signs it is common to square each difference, add up all the squares and divide by the number of terms (= mean square) and take the square root (= root mean square. or r.m.s).

How do you find square numbers?

To find a square number, you have to times a number, for example 4 only once. So the square number will be 16 because you timed 4x4.

What does a square number mean?

The square of a number is the result of multiplying the number by itself. For example, the square of 3 is 3x3 which is 9.

What does square root of 1.73 mean?

It means find a number that, when multiplied by itself, will be 1.73 In this case, the answer is roughly 1.3153

Why do you say square number and what does square root mean?

square root is a number that multiplies into its self to get a number. For example:3x3=9

Is thirty two a square number?

If you mean is it a perfect square, then no; it is an irrational number (square root of 32 is 5.6568544249). But if you mean can it be squared, then yes; 32 squared is 1024