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You will serve 2 years incarceration in prison. Then upon release you will serve 5 years mandatory supervisory probation.

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Q: What does it mean to have 2 years to serve and 5 year probation?
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What does 3 years suspended to probation and one year executed mean?

This means that the individual will serve one year in prison, and the remaining three years of their sentence will be suspended, pending completion of probation. If they successfully complete probation, they may not have to serve the remaining three years in prison.

If a person receives a 1 year sentence and 6 years probation and has already servered the year in jail but has violated the 6 years probation what will happen?

It depends on the judge. He could make him serve six years in prison. Or he could sentence him to an additional year (or more) in jail.

What is the maximum time you serve on a 3 year probation violation in Georgia?

Ummm. . . the maximum would be 3 years wouldn't it.

What does it mean when a person receives a 3 year sentence withheld after serving 2 years already on probation?

This usually means that the person received a sentence to prison for a specific amount of time, generally exceeding the two years mentioned. But that sentence, provided the person completes two years of probation successfully, is withheld. When the person completes the two years' probation, his sentence is completed and he is no longer in the system. However if he violates the terms of his probation he could be sent to prison to complete the prison term, and there's no credit given for the time he was on probation.

What pentalty gets 5 year probation?

Five years probation IS he penalty.

Can you serve a short jail sentence instead of being on probation for a year?

That is up to the judge.

What happens if you have are charged with a felony got the maximum sentence got out on probation have served a full year of probation and then get a violation?

Did you mean to say that you were released on PAROLE? Regardless. . . if you violate the provisions of your release you can be returned to confinement to serve the remainder of your sentence.

How much time will you serve for a 8 year sentence at 30 percent?

Question is unclear. If you only serve only 30% of the 8 year sentence, you would serve 2 years and 4 months. If you mean you were having 30% knocked off the 8 years, you would serve 5 years and 6 nmonths.

Members of the senate serve eight-year terms. true or false?

Assuming you mean US Senators, then FALSE. They are elected to 6-year terms

What does a 10 year sentence mean with 7 years suspended?

A 10 year sentence with 7 years suspended means that the individual would serve 3 years in prison immediately, and the remaining 7 years would not be served unless the individual violates the terms of their probation during the suspended period. If no violations occur during the suspended period, the individual may avoid serving the full 10 years in prison.

What is the penalty for a violation of probation on a class E non violent felony in NY if you fled the country after one year on probation and the sentence was for 5 years?

You are a fugitive from justice. When apprehended you will be sent to prison to serve the remainder of your original sentnce and, in addition, probably face prosecution on the fugitive charge.

Can a person sentenced to 2 years probation get the probation shortened to a year if the have paid off their probation and are totally compliant and a first time offender?

Yes because they would be on good behavior.