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There is nothing wrong in have your period for more than five days. But there is cause for alarm if that is not the way you started menstrating. You need to see your doctor about this, he/she is the best person do diagnose what the problem is.

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Q: What does it mean to have a period for more than five days?
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If you miss your period for more then five days what does that mean?

It could mean nothing.

How long should your period last?

Periods can last three days or five or seven or more or less. Five days is probably average, but every woman is different.

I started my period and had it for four days then stoped for a few days and then started for five more day. why?

right now your period isn't regular yet and that happens to a lot of girls in there first year.

What does it mean if your on your period 3 or more days?

If you bleed for 3 to 4 days when your period was supposed to come, that is fine. If you bleed for 3 to 4 days in-between periods, it might mean that you are stressed or it could be a side effect of a medication. The bleeding could also be related to uterine fibroids, miscarriage or hormonal changes.

Is it normal for a woman to have a period more than 7 days?

Yes, it is normal to have a period more than 7 days. In fact, a period of up to 8 days is considered normal.

What can make my period come down if im more than five days late?

Nothing, you will just have to wait for it to come. Be realistic, you have no control over this.

Five and 34 hours is how many minutes?

Do you mean five DAYS and 34 hours or do you mean 39 hours, which is 34 hours plus 5 hours? Please write your question a bit more clearly.

Is it bad for a girl not to have her period for more than 30 days?

If you haven't had your period for more than 30 days it can be a result of: Stress Pregnancy menopause

What the mean when you have your period for 3 day?

This simply means that your period was only 3 days long, it's no more complicated than that. Although the average menstrual phase is 5-7 days everyone is different and each cycle can be different.

What does it mean when you haven't gotten your period for 3 days when you were suppose to get it?

3 days isn't very late as periods are often irregular, if you have had unprotected sex then it is possible you could be pregnant, however the more you worry about a late period the later it will come.

What doesmis mean when you get brown gooey stuff in your underwear but you have already had your period?

It mean's you're period is ending and it might last from 1-2 days. Or more, but for me it usually lasts about 2. Other times it will come, and you think you're period is over, but then you could get it the next day.

What does Cinco dias mas antes de que su diversion mean?

The sentence is incomplete, but it means: "Five more days before his/her fun ... "