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Q: What does it mean to say that the average daytime relative humidiy of a particular city is 31 percent?
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What does a hygrometer measer?

relative humidiy

What unit is used to describe relative humidiy?

No units - its a ratio.

What are the types of humidity?

three types relative humidity, absolute humidity, specific humidity. The detecor transducers generally consist of two capacitor plates enrgised by an alternating signal. The water vapour in the air changes the dielectric between the plates and alters the frequency of the capacitor network. Thus humidiy is changed to a varying frequency which can be counted and displayed digially.

What are the types of humidity transducers?

three types relative humidity, absolute humidity, specific humidity. The detecor transducers generally consist of two capacitor plates enrgised by an alternating signal. The water vapour in the air changes the dielectric between the plates and alters the frequency of the capacitor network. Thus humidiy is changed to a varying frequency which can be counted and displayed digially.

What is specific humidity and relative humidity?

Specific humidity is the mass of water vapor present in a unit mass of air. It is expressed in grams of water vapor per kilogram of air. Relative humidity is the ratio of the amount of water vapor present in the air to the maximum amount of water vapor the air can hold at a given temperature, expressed as a percentage.

Is the Sahara desert a tropical desert?

It is not always a tropical desert. The climate in the southern part if the desert is a dry, tropical climate, while the climate in the northern part of the desert is a dry, subtropical climate.

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