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I don't know exactly what this number means other than an emercency and historical events number but, i though maybe i'd contribute to this phenomenon...I also see 9:11 on clocks and not because I'm looking forward to see it twice a day. I was near the WTC on sept 11-01 I saw most of these events happen right before my eyes.. I never saw 9:11 on clocks before this incident.. I was always aware that 911 was designated for emergencies as mention above. Not after 9-11-01 This number seems to haunt me. Just like many people say It never happened to them until 9-11. I've also seen 9/11 on Credit card expiration dates. I strongly believe there is some sort of connection, a message, unconcious or not something is up....

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Q: What does it mean to see the number 911?
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What does 'call 911' mean?

"911" is the US telephone number for emergency services.

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911 is a prime number.

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911 in the United States.

What is number 911?

911 in the United States.

What does 911 mean biblically?

It is the short date in America of the September 11, 2001 terrorista attacks and their emergency services number, but 911 has no meaning in or relationship to the Bible.

What is the number for the 911 Emergency Response People?

Dial 911.

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No, 911 is the emergency number for the United States only.

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Yes by itself and one because 911 is a prime number

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