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Q: What does it mean to see things in pairs?
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Umm, if you mean you can't see things, you might need glasses. See your optician or GP. If you mean you are seeing things that you should not be seeing then.. er..SEE A DOCTOR. NOw.

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In phonology, nominal pairs Almost pairs and Minimal pairs means pairs of words which are excepted for one phenomic difference sound alike.

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What does it mean when you see things that aren't there?

It means coerced . So the answer is COERCED.

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To convince someone to see your view on things.

What does restricted mean on Facebook?

On facebook, when you restrict a friend you are limiting what they see. They can only see things that you post that the public can see.

What does it mean to see beyond things?

Seeing beyond things usually refers to having a deeper understanding or insight into a situation or issue. It involves looking beyond the surface level and recognizing underlying factors or truths that may not be immediately apparent. This ability to see beyond things can lead to a greater clarity of thought and perspective.

How can you see the word pairs in a sentence?

The graduates walked in pairs down the aisle. The pairs of shoes were lined up neatly outside the dojo.