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Q: What does it mean to throw overboard just for scale?
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86 means to throw overboard. 44 means Obama because he is pres. #44. 8644 means "Throw overboard pres. Obama.

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This word does not exist i think your thinking about the word jettison which is to throw something overboard or to discard

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No discharging overboard.

What should you do when someone falls overboard?

(i presume you mean on a boat). first make sure there is a rope on it, then throw them a life ring. hold onto the rope and pull them back on board when they are safely in the life ring.

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Extremely pius to the point of going overboard.

What is a ancor?

if u mean the one on boats and stuff like that its a kind of thing that is connected to the boat and when u throw it overboard it will go into the water and stop the boat from moving... it will catch on to a rock on the bottom and the boat will not move.... if that's not the kind of ancor u mean then ask someone else....

What is the origin of the idiom to go overboard?

It's a boating phrase. Overboard means to go over the board, which is part of the boat. If you go overboard on a boat, you fall out into the water. As an idiom, it has come to mean doing so much that it seems excessive.

What is some good advice if you feel really lonely and feel like you have nothing in your life to live for?

well all you need to do is to just go out partying and just have fun whatever it is just throw it out the window (wheb i say that i mean if its a person or thing dont i mean throw it out of your head)

What does quien tu te pasas mean?

It means you went overbored. ('overboard'?) Who do you fancy