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Q: What does it mean when a firms external financing needs is calculated and is negative?
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What does a negative cash flow from financing activities mean?

Negative cash flows from financing activities means that the firm is paying out more money to investor (in the form of debt principal repayment, interest payment, dividends and share repurchases) than it is raising from investors. Usually, negative cash flows from financing activities are associated with mature companies generating more than enough cash from operations to fund future activities. It is not necessarily bad news. Conversely, early-stages firms rapidly growing firms and those in financial distress typically have positive cash flows from financing activities.

What are Difference between the financing patterns of US and Japanese firms?

The basic differences between the financing patterns of U.S. and Japanese firms are in the source of financing--internal versus external-- and the composition of external finance--bank borrowing versus debt securities. Historically, U.S. companies have received 60% to 70% of their funds from internal sources. By contrast, Japanese companies have relied heavily on external funds to finance their strategy of making huge industrial investments and pursuing market share at the expense of profit margins. Industry's sources of external finance also differ widely between Japan and the United States. Japanese firms rely heavily on bank borrowing, while U.S. firms raise much more money directly from financial markets by the sale of securities.

What is the stock market used for?

It can be used by firms as a source of financing.

Where would one find financing in Chicago?

The Chicago Tribune has help for financing or Robert Half has a financing and account website. His firm is one of the largest recruitment firms. Another option is to apply for a financing internship.

Which firms are most likely to use bank financing rather than to issue bonds or stock to finance their activities?

Smaller firms that are sole pripiortorships or partnerships that are not incorporated and not public companies are more likely to use bank financing.

Why ratios is calculated?

To see the Firms Financial position Firms Performance Trend analysis

When external costs are generated by firms the government should?


Who are the users of balance sheet?

external users like statutory firms, share holders etc

What is the meaning of the term 'venture capital financing'?

The term venture capital financing refers to a group of investors that lend money to start up small businesses and firms. Investors do this in order to get more in return if the business or firm was successful.

What is the comparison between pecking order theory and trade off theory?

Pecking order theory suggests that firms prefer internal financing over external financing due to asymmetric information, leading them to rely on retained earnings first, followed by debt and finally equity. Trade-off theory, on the other hand, argues that firms determine their capital structure by balancing the tax benefits of debt with the costs of financial distress. In essence, pecking order theory emphasizes information concerns while trade-off theory focuses on the balancing act between tax advantages and financial risks.

How do governments correct for the unfairness of negative externalities?

They regulate firms and make such practices illegal.

What does a negative ROA mean?

ROA is an indication of a firms profitability and sustainability. Those organizations that have a negative ROA may not be able to sustain their operations overtime.