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hes got a crush on u or hes a stalker

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Q: What does it mean when a guy at your school 1 stares at you 2 tries making jokes and then sees if your looking 3 when ever you stand close he doesnt move away?
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How you know whether a girl likes you or not?

if she doesn't look at you but stares at you and then when you look back she looks away and she has a glint in her eyes that means she likes you

A man stares at a photo and says brothers and sisters i have none but that mans father is my fathers son?

That means that the man in the photo is his son. "My father's son" is himself (since he has no brothers and sisters); since he is the father of "that man", it follows that "that man" is his son.

E equals mc2 in relation to stars?

e=mc2 is a simple science problem. stares come under it cause e(energy), m(mass), c(speed of light), c2(speed of light squared) its finding the energy of the stars. if you need any help. im open to questions on science

What does it mean that a guy whom im friendly with has been caught staring at you very intently when you are either sitting next to or near each other and how can i move the relationship forward?

Well i have the same problem, exept the guy who stares at me is popular and a real big jerk. Anyways, you should talk to that guy, and if you havn't yet, ask him why he stares at you. If he hesitates or says he wasn't, it means he likes you. P.S. you should maybe give him a hug to get the relationship going, and when it gets started you could give him a little kiss on the cheek(WARNING:no lip me I saw how freaked out the guy looked when my friend kissed her boyfriend too early on the lips, he stopped talking to her and also broke up with her)'s the same guy thatis staring at me all the time now...i wonder what he wants??? Good Luck

How many words can be made with the letters in Merry Christmas?

Words from many contributors that can be made from the letters in Merry Christmas:aace, acesache, achesacid, acidsacme, acmesacre, acresact, actsactressaim, aimsair, airs, airyamarc, arcsarch, archesarcher, archersarearesarm, armsarm, armsarmrest, armrestsarmy, armiesarrest, arrestsart, artsarteryasash, ashesassassetasymmetricasymmetryatateayecam, camscamecar, carscare, carescarer, carerscaret, caretscarrier, carrierscarry, carriescart, cartscase, casescashcashiercast, castscaste, castescaster, casterscat, catscatch, catchescater, catersceramist, ceramistschair, chairschamisechammychar, chars, chariestcharm, charmscharmer, charmerschart, chartscharter, charterscharychasm, chasmschat, chatscheat, cheatscherrychert, chertschesschest, chestschichime, chimeschimer, chimerschit, chitschrismChristcite, citescram, cramscrash, crashescrass, crassercrate, cratescrater, craterscream, creamscresscrest, crestscrier, crierscrime, crimescrisescry, criescysteachear, earseasteasyeat, eatsem, emsemir, emirsemit, emitsera, eraserr, errserraticersterythrismeta, etashair, hairyham, hamshammer, hammershamster, hamstershareharem, haremsharm, harmsHarryhashasthaste, hasteshat, hatshatch, hatcheshate, hateshayhehear, hearsheart, heartsheat, heatsheir, heirsheisthem, hemsher, hershermitsheyhimhirehishisshit, hitshmmhysteriaIice, icesisit, itsitch, itchy, itchesitem, itemsmamace, macesmachmaim, maimsmar, marsmarch, marchesmarcher, marchersmare, maresmarmitemarry, marriesMarsmarsh, marshes, marshymart, marts,martyr, martyrsmaser, masersmashmasher, mashersmassmast, mastsmaster, mastersmasterymasticmat, matsmatch, matchesmate, matesmathmatricesmay, maystmemeantmeat, meatsmercymerit, meritsmerrymeshmessmetmeter or metremicamicramire, miresmirthmirymiscarrymiscastmiser, misersmiserymismatchesmiss, missesmist, mists, mistymister, mistersmite, mitesmiter, miters, mitremymyrrhmystic, mysticsmyth, myths, mythicrace, racesracer, racersracism, racistracyraiseram, ramsrare, rarer, rarestrashrat, ratsrate, ratesrater, ratersratherray, raysreachreact, reactsream, reamsrear, rearsrearm, rearmsrecast, recastsremissremit, remitsresistrest, restsretchretryrhyme, rhymesrhyme, rhymesrhymer, rhymersrice, ricesricer, ricersrich, riches, richerrim, rimsrime, rimesrise, risesrise, risesriser, risersrite, ritesryesac, sacssamesamitesashsatsatesatiresatyricsay, saysscam, scamsscar, scarsscare, scaresscare, scaresscaryscary, scarierscat, scatsschematismschismschistscramscream, screamsscrim, scrimssea, seasseam, seamssearchseat, seatssec, secssect, sectssemi, semisset, setssham, shamsshareshesherryshim, shimsshimmer, shimmersshimmyshirr, shirrsshirt, shirtsshy, shyershystersicsimmer, simmerssir, sirssiresistersit, sitssite, sitessmarmysmart, smartersmartssmartysmash, smashersmear, smearssmirch, smirchessmite, smitessmith, smithy, smithsstammerstar, starsstarrystarch, starchystare, stares, starerstay, stayssteam, steamystem, stemsstir, stirsstirrer, stirrersstraystreamsty, stiessymmetrictam, tamstame, tamestamer, tamerstar, tars,tare, tarestarrytastetea, teasteachteam, teams,tear, tearstechsterm, termsterrytest, teststhetheirthemtheretherm, thermstheythisthythymetic, ticstie, tiestier, tierstime, timestimer, timerstire, tirestrace, tracestracer, tracerytram, tramstrash, trashestrashytray, trays,tresstrey, treystricetrim, trimstrimmer, trimmerstry, tries, trierstrysttyre, tyresyachtyam, yamsyeayear, yearsyeastyesyetHere are words that you could use...act, actsahaim, aimsair, airsamarch, archesarm, armsart, artsasash, ashesatcam, camscar, carscart, cartscash, cashescast, castscat, catschair, chairschacharm, charmschart, chartschat, chatscram, cramscrash, crasheshahair, hairsham, hamsharm, harmshashat, hatshihimhishisshisthit, hitsisititchitsmamar, marsmarch, marchesMarsmarsh, marshesmart, martsmash, mashesmassmast, mastsmasticmat, matsmatch, matchesmathmiscastmissmist, mistsram, ramsrash, rashesrat, ratsrich, richesrim, rimssac, sacssaithsari, sarissashsatscam, scamsscar, scarsscat, scatsschismschistscram, scramsscrim, scrimsshsham, shamsshatshitshim, shimsshirt, shirtssicMERRY CHRISTMAS a, as, at, am, air(s), aery, ass, assert, are, arm(s), art(s), arch(es), arc(s), aye(s), ate, ache(s), asthma, Christ, Christmas, cherry, chair(s), char(s), cart(s), chart(s), car(s), cram(s), crass, care(s), carry, carries, charm(s), chase(s), chasm(s), cry, cries, crime(s), chrism, cream(s), ear(s), era(s), err(s), earth(s), each, eat(s), etch, east, heart(s), hear(s), harm(s), hair(s), harry, harries, harsh, hast, haste, hasty, hate(s), hat(s), heat(s), her, his, him, hit(s), has, ham(s), hire(s), hare(s), hie(s), hearty, i, is, it, ire, itch, itches, itchy, mass, mast(s), mist(s), miss, mire(s), match(es), meat(s), mat(s), mess, mart(s), march(es), marcher, mirth, me, ma, mar(s), my, merry, marry, marries, maim(s), mash(es), math(s), myth(s), rise(s), raise(s), ray(s), rare, race(s), ram(s), rim(s), rime(s), rhyme(s), rye, rice, rear(s), reach, rich(es), steam, stem(s), stay(s), sir(s), shame(s), sham(s), share(s), scare(s), scar(s), starch(es), sir(s), sire(s), stir(s), shirt(s), smirch(es), shim(s), smash, sty, sties, stymies, scary, starchy, stray, she, shirr(s), sherry, shy, shies, scry, scries, tarry, tarries, them, they, their, theirs, the, this, thy, try, tries, trim(s), tram(s), trace(s), teach, tam(s), tame(s), tire(s), time(s), term(s), tie(s), team(s), ye, yet, yes, yam(s), year(s)

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When boys stare at you do they like you?

No. They are actually being rude and disrespectful. Ignore a boy who stares.

What does it mean if a girl stares at a group of boys for a whille then stares at you we you are not looking at her?

she likes you or you have something funny or disgusting on you

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He'd rather be with you.

What does it mean when a boy stares at you when your not looking and stares into your eyes and is nice to you but he never talks to you and he has a girlfriend does he like you?

Yes He Does Likes You

A guy stares at you but likes another girl?

He's probably just checking you out, i mean i guy can look can't he? Just because he's looking your way doesnt mean he's mentally undressing you. (:

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When a girl turns when your looking at her but stares when your not looking means she does like you. The girl is just a little shy.

This boy stares at you constantly but he doesnt look away?

It mean's He Has a Huge crush on you or he thinks your weird. I Rekon He has a Crush on you!!

What does it mean when a boy stares into your eyes all the time and he's nice to you but when he's with his friends he stares at you?

It means you're still in middle school.

What does it mean when a boy stares at you everyday and says he doesnt like you but thinks you are cute?

that means he likes you but doesn't want to admit it because he doesn't want to be embarrassed and/or have to deal with his friends making fun of him. or he is trying to deny his feelings and has truthful outbursts

What is the age bar for clercial jobs in banks?

It doesnt matter. I'm 90 and im a clerk. However, you get a lot of stares.

Is it true that when a boy stares at you he likes you?

no it doesnt neccessarily but it could mean that he likes you.He just wants to get your attention and for you to notice you.

How could you tell a girl likes a boy?

A girl will always talk about him and stares at him or looking for him