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Q: What does it mean when a number is constant?
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What does constant mean in math?

Constant is a number with no variables. For an example, 12a, but this is a constant 12.

What does constant mean in math terms?

It means something that doesn't change, like a number.

What does the math term constant mean?

Constant just means that the number does not change. For example, in Chemistry, avogadro's number is 6.022x10^23 and that number will never change, therefore it is a constant.

What does constant mean in an algebraic expression?

A constant in an algebraic expression is a number that does not change. For example x + 2 The 2 is a constant (does not change) x is a variable (can take on any value)

What does it mean if a function has a constant rate of change?

if a number can change randomly it is called a variable

What is the mathematical term constant mean?

A constant is a number that is always the same. Simple examples would be numbers such as pi, which is ~3.14159... Keep in mind though, while pi is endless, a constant doesn't have to be. It's just a number that doesn't change, so to speak.

Is 1.34786792994e x 1.34786792994e a number?

Assuming that by "e" you mean Euler's constant and by "x" you mean multiplication of real numbers then yes.

How does the addition of a constant and multiplication by a constant affect the arithmetic mean?

If you add the same constant to each element of a sample then the mean of this collection of values will be the mean of the original sample plus the constant. If you multiply each element of a sample by a constant then the mean of this collection of values will be the mean of the original sample multiplied by the constant.

The number of particles in a mole is a constant?

Yes - it is Avagadro's number/constant

Is atomic number constant?

It is constant for elements. IT depends on number of protons that atom has.

What is a monomial that is a real number with no variable?

A [real] constant.

What is the examples of constant?

Vacuum, if maintained, is a constant as is the number 0 or zero and then there is the number 1