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Q: What does it mean when a ratio equals one?
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Does a colon mean divide like 2 divided by 2 equals 1?

A colon is used in a ratio (Google it)

What is the product of the numerator of one ratio and the denominator of the other ratio called in a proportion?

The numerator of the second ratio and the denominator of the first ratio are called the means, and the numerator of the first ratio and the denominator of the second ratio are called the extremes. The product of the means equals the product of the extremes.

What is the real egg ratio egg substitue when you do not have substitue carton?

If you do not have an egg and are trying to use egg subsitute instead one ounce equals one egg. This is the ratio we use at my cafe.

How do you find the ratio between two circles when the diameters are given?

If you mean ratio then I don't quite understand the question.. but if you mean RADIUS Then you take the diameter and divide it by two. ============================================== There's no such thing as the ratio of circles. You can find the ratio of their diameters, the ratio of their radiussesses, and the ratio of their areas. -- The ratio of their diameters is: One diameter divided by the other one. -- The ratio of their radiusses is the same number as the ratio of their diameters. -- The ratio of their areas is the square of that same number.

Can a variable measured at the interval or ratio level can have more than one arithmetic mean?

A variable measured at the interval or ratio level can have more than one arithmetic mean.

What is the difference between a crude odds ration and an adjusted odds ratio?

Odds ratio (AD/BC) is the ratio between number of times that something happens and does not happen. Crude odds ratio is the ratio that is not stratified (ex. by age). Adjusted odds ratio is a stratified odds ratio. If the odds ratio equals one, then there is no association, and null hypothesis shall be accepted. If one is included into confidence interval, then it is possible that odds ratio equals one, and it is not statistically significant. If stratified odds ratios are about the same, or there are no significant differences, the odds ratios are combined into one common odds summary estimate of two stratum specific ORs using Mantel-Haenszel and/or Cohran's tests, or multivariable analysis.

What is the ratio of 0.75?

0.75 equals 75/100 which equals 3/4

What is ratio of A to B if A equals 12 and B equals 68?


What is 13 out of 21?

I presume you don't mean 21 minus 13; that is easy enough, and equals 8. If you mean the ratio 13/21, all you do is divide. The answer is 0.1690___.

What is a ratio of 2 integers where the denominator equals 0?

A ratio with denominator 0 is not defined.

If debt ratio is point5 what is debt-equity ratio?

There is no such thing as "debt ratio." A ratio is a fraction,, it needs two numbers, one divided by the other. A debt/equity ratio of 0.5 is debt = $500, equity = $1000, or any other set of numbers that equals 0.5 or 50%.

What is the definition of equal ratio?

An equal ratio is a ratio of equals. That's the answer, but it is obviously not clear. Here are some examples that will make it so. One to one. Ten to ten. Three and a half to three and a half. From a mathematical point of view, they're all the same (one to one equals ten to ten), but what's important is that however much of one thing one has, one will have an equal amount of the other if one has an equal ratio of those things. To make a dip for bread to cook up some french toast, use an equal ratio of milk and egg. Crack an egg (or eggs) into a tall glass. Look at the level. Add milk until the level is twice as high. There is a one-to-one ratio of egg to milk.