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Yes, in fact any statistical having a probability of occurence under the null hypothesis less than 0.05 would be considered significant.

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Q: What does it mean when a researcher sets an observed p value 0.05 Are all statistical difference between groups that reach the 0.05 level or 0.01 level meaningful?
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A significant difference refers to a statistically meaningful distinction between two or more groups or variables. It implies that the difference observed is unlikely to have occurred by chance and is likely to have practical relevance. Statistical tests are used to determine if a difference is significant.

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A figure is considered significant if it represents a statistically meaningful result, typically determined by comparing it to a threshold value (e.g., p < 0.05). Significance indicates that the observed difference or relationship between variables is unlikely to have occurred by chance. Conducting statistical tests such as t-tests or ANOVAs can help determine the significance of a figure.

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statistical significance

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In statistics, a significant difference is typically determined through hypothesis testing. This involves comparing the observed data with what would be expected by chance alone. If the difference between the observed data and what is expected by chance is large enough, it is considered statistically significant. This is typically determined by calculating a p-value, with a lower p-value indicating a higher level of statistical significance.

What does statistical evidence mean?

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