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Owner will carry - means that the owner will hold the note for financing. This can be advantageous due to the leniency of the owners financing criteria, lack of down payment requirements and other issues a typical mortgage company would rather not deal with. However, It will not be reported on your credit report as typical mortgage would. If this is your first purchase, I would recommend that you not attempt this on your own. There are several aspects to real estate that could overwhelm someone with no experence in that field. Ask a friend who is a realtor or loan officer to assist you.

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Q: What does it mean when a seller says Owner Will Carry and what are the advantages or disadvantages for the buyer?
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What does owner will carry real estate?

owner will provide 'seller financing" a purchase money mortgage. it could be either a 1st or 2nd mortgage. Seller is willing to provide some of the financing or all of it so conventional financing(banks) are not needed. You sign a promissory note with the seller an IOU a promise to pay.

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Once you have paid off the loan to the seller, or the seller's estate or heirs, they should give you a lien release.

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What is a second trust deed taken back by owner mean?

That means the owner-seller has agreed to take a second mortgage that will be a junior lien to the primary purchase money mortgage.That means the owner-seller has agreed to take a second mortgage that will be a junior lien to the primary purchase money mortgage.That means the owner-seller has agreed to take a second mortgage that will be a junior lien to the primary purchase money mortgage.That means the owner-seller has agreed to take a second mortgage that will be a junior lien to the primary purchase money mortgage.