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Q: What does it mean when a smaller number is on top of another one?
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How do you find the percent increase from one number to another?

-- divide the larger number by the smaller one-- subtract '1' from the answer-- multiply what's left by 100You now have the percentage increase from the smaller number to the larger one.

How do you know whether a number is a multiple of another number?

Divide the smaller number into the larger one. If the answer is an integer, it's a multiple.

How do you find what percent one number is of another?

divide the smaller number by the larger number, and multiply by 100. 60 is 75% of 80.

One number is 13 more than another and the sum of the smaller number and twice the larger number is 50 What are the numbers?

The smaller number is 8, and the larger one is 21. 8 + 13 = 21 8 + 21(2) = 50

How can you determine whether one number is a factor of another?

Divide the smaller into the larger. If the quotient is an integer, the smaller is a factor of the larger.

Why does a number get smaller when you multiply by a number less than one?

Because the number is decreasing in size (i.e. less than one) which means you are making it smaller. Try dividing a big number with any fraction. You'll see that it decreases. This is because a fraction is smaller than one and so it will decrease. Another way of looking at it is if you multiply a number by 1, you get the same number. Multiply by 2 and you get twice the number. Therefore, multiplying a number by less than one and your bound to get a smaller number.

What is another name for a pair of numbers whose greatest common factor is the same as one of the numbers?

In that case, the smaller number is a factor of the larger one. The larger one is a multiple of the smaller one.

When a number is a multiple of another the GCF of the numbers is the greatest common factor?

The GCF of the numbers is the greatest common factor no matter what their relationship is. When one number is a multiple of another number, the GCF is the smaller number.

What is range and mean?

To get the range of a group of numbers you subtract the smaller number from the larger one The mean is the "average" for a group of numbers to get the mean you add all the numbers together. Then divide that number by the number in the group.

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What do the smaller number in each chapter in the Bible mean?

They are known as Verses to help one study the bible.

Kind of fraction and its meaning?

The division of one number by another. Not all of one thing; it must be a smaller amount, or a fragment of the whole amount.