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Q: What does it mean when after you eat you get bad cramps and sit on the toilet for hours. Mostly happens about three hours after a meal.?
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That's what i did and i feeled the toilet eith blodd for liek 5 hours, if you did im sorry to hear for your lose. That's what i did and i feeled the toilet eith blodd for liek 5 hours, if you did im sorry to hear for your lose.

What do implantion cramps feel like?

I've had three children (waiting to test to see if we're having four!) and have had implantation cramps with each pregnancy. For me they feel just like AF cramps, although a little more intense, and they are off and on for about 12 hours or so. This usually happens around day 10-12dpo. Hope that helps!

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24 hours,according to which toilet cleaner.

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5 hours on the toilet

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Five hours sitting on the toilet

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Most plumbers would charge 2 hours to replace a complete toilet.

Average time person spends on a toilet a year?

24 hours

How many hours is it to drive from Romania to Colorado Springs?

about 3 hours not including toilet breaks and food stops

What are unbillable hours?

Hours when you are not actually doing any work.For example:TravellingLunch BreaksEven toilet breaks are not really billable.

Is it ok if you have diarrhea and you play soccer?

If you can't leave the toilet, then stay home. But if it happens every couple hours, has stopped, and/or your stomach feels okay, then it would be your choice to go. You can always cheer on your team. Good Luck!

How do you deal with cramps?

I am 48 years old and so sick of having my period and cramps, i get cramps in low back and low stomach what i find that really helps alot is advil every 4 hours whether you need it or not if you take it for 2 days (the two worse days are the day before and the 2nd day for me) so i take 2 tablets every four hours and it really helps alot.