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It means the absolute value of the integer, or its distance from 0. Since a distance cannot be negative, the absolute value is always positive.

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Q: What does it mean when an integer has parallel lines around it?
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They could be: parallel lines, perpendicular lines or intersecting lines

What does the word parallel mean in maths?

Parallel in maths means opposite. Two parallel lines can never touch. I you are not sure if two lines are parallel then imagine that these lines go on for ever, will they eventually cross?

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Parallel refers to lines on a map or globe that are parallel to the equator, while latitude refers to the distance north or south of the equator measured in degrees. In other words, latitude measures the angle between a point and the equator, while parallels are the horizontal lines on maps that show the different latitudes.

What does it mean when 2 lines are parallel?

Two lines are parallel when they are perfectly straight, side by side. Train tracks for example. The symbol for parallel is: (I.E. AB)

What we mean by parallel sides?

Parallel sides are lines that remain the same distance apart.

What does the words oblique lines mean in maths?

Lines that are neither parallel nor perpendicular.

What does it mean for two lines to be parallel?

it means that two straight lines that will never connect