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External ultrasounds can only detect pregnancy when you are more than about 5-6 weeks wereas if you have an internel ultrasound they can detect pregnancy from as early as 4weeks. In answer to your question you are either not as far gone as originally thort and would have to have a internal ultrasound to dertimine/detect pregnancy or you are just not pregnant.

AnswerI'm suprised that they wouldn't tell you when you got it done. The fetus at that age is so small its very possible that you could not see it. Or you are not as far along as you thought and it was just a yolk sack.
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Q: What does it mean when an ultrasound does not show anything at 5 weeks?
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You could see a heartbeat if they do a transvaginal ultrasound.

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To the untrained eye, probably not. Most people can't see anything in an ultrasound pic. Later on in pregnancy though, that 4 weeks can show a lot of differences.

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ultrasound is more accurate. Measurments of the fetus are made during ultasound that give a more accurate gestational age

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It would be crazy to see any heartbeat at five weeks.

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Well I had an ultrasound at 5.5 weeks and it wasn't able to pick up very well so I had to have a transvaginal. It should be able to see it but not very well. Drs recommend waiting until 6 weeks for ultrasound.

Can i be pregnant and a ultrasound not detect it?

yes, i had a doctor tell me that an ultrasound will not show a pregnancy until 5 weeks. that is not a fact but just what i was told. when i was pregnant the ultrasound lady had a hard time seeing my baby and i was 5 weeks, i had to go back the next week and she saw the baby perfect.

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The amniotic sac can typically be visualized on an ultrasound as early as 4-5 weeks of pregnancy. However, it may be more consistently seen around 5-6 weeks.

Im 9 weeks pregnant but cervix exam and ultrasound sHow is 5 weeks?

That happens sometimes. As the pregnancy progresses, the clincial picture will become clearer.