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it means to solve it Ex: 5-a a=1 so to simplify it, you would say 5-1=4 (p.s ur welcome :D)

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Q: What does it mean when it says to simplify expressions?
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How are the order of operations and combining like terms are used to simplify expressions?

They are used to simplify expressions by helping to reduce the numbers that there is

Does simplify mean to find an answer?

No, not necessary. To simplify something is to make the expressions "clean and clearer". For instance: 2 / 4 = 1 / 2 [simplified form]

How do you simplify an expressions?

you use a mathematical formula ...

How will you simplify algebraic expressions?

use a calculator

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Expressions that simplify to the same expression or value.?

2+2 = 2*2 = 2^2 all simplify to 4. But there is no special name for the three expressions.

How do you simplify trigonometric expressions?

Use the trigonometric relations and identities.

How do you simplify algebra expressions with exponets?

8 - 1/3

How can I simplify regular expressions using a regex simplifier tool?

To simplify regular expressions using a regex simplifier tool, you can input your complex regular expression into the tool, and it will analyze and simplify it for you. This can help make your regular expression more concise and easier to understand.

Simplify math expressions?

Yes, you can but it depends on the context. You can simplify fractions, or simplify surds, or algebraic expressions and in each case the simplification means different things. So if you want a sensible answer to your question I would suggest that you use a proper question rather than stick a quastion mark at the end of a phrase!

What does simplify 2 to the third power plus 3 to the second power mean?

It means find the value of the expression. It cannot be simplified in the way that algebraic expressions usually are.

What does simplify variable expressions mean?

It means to replace an expression by another one that is equivalent, but simpler. For example: 3x + 5x can be written as: 8x because of the distributive property.