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Q: What does it mean when rate of change is negative?
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What is an example of a negative rate of change?

a car braking is a negative rate of velocity change

Does the rate of change have to be negative?

no... the sign indicates whether the rate of change is increasing or decreasing. It is only negative if the rate is decreasing over time.

What the difference between negative rate of change and positive rate of change?

A quantity with a negative rate of change becomes smaller as time goes on. A quantity with a positive rate of change becomes larger as time goes on.

What is the difference between positive negative and constant rate of change?

left to right positive,right to left negative rate

Will the rate of change be positive or negative?

It can be positive or negative, or even both - at different stages.For example, the rate of change of the balance in my bank account is positive at the end of the month - when my pay goes in - but it is negative for most of the rest of the time while I am spending it!

When the rate of change between any two points on a line is negative What is the slope of the line?


What is the rate of charge of velocity?

The rate of change of velocity is known as acceleration. It measures how quickly an object's velocity is changing over time. Positive acceleration means the object is speeding up, negative acceleration means it is slowing down, and zero acceleration means the velocity is constant.

Amount of change of one measurment in a given amount of time?

The rate of change is a measure of how one quantity changes over time. It is calculated by finding the difference in the quantity values divided by the difference in time. If the quantity is increasing, the rate of change is positive, while if it is decreasing, the rate of change is negative.

What does the slope mean on a line graph?

Rate of change of the "vertical" variable in relation to the "horizontal" variable.

What does the constant rate of change mean in math?

The change in y over the change in x

What is the meaning of acceleration?

of Accelerate

What is aceleration velocity?

Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity. It can be positive (speeding up), negative (slowing down), or zero (constant speed). Velocity is the rate of change of an object's position with respect to time.