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if you have it all the time then you probally have a yeast infection. i had the same problem. it was 24/7 and im only a teen. but what i simply did was go to the doctor and they gave me a pill and the infection was gone the next day. Yeast infections are really common 7 out of 10 girls/women will get it sometime in their life.

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Q: What does it mean when you have random discharge all the time?
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It is normal for most females to have a discharge from puberty through and after menopause.

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All the time.

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All the time.

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I would consult a doctor as for it may mean infection. (not all the time) but consult a doctor just to play it safe.

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It means that the motion of every molecule of a fluid is random and the location of all the molecules comprising the fluid, after a period of time, is a random event or a probability phenomenon.

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its when girls vagina relises discharge and it becomes wet ... your up up sex (all the time )

Can girls randomly discharge?

yes all the freakin time its really annoying

What is discharged mean?

Vaginal discharge is the result of secretions produced from small glands in the lining of the vagina and the cervix. All women have a little discharge starting a year or two before puberty and ending after the menopause. How much discharge a woman notices changes from time to time and it will change quite a lot between periods. Different persons can have different volume of "normal" discharge depending on age, cycle periods, hormonal balance and sexual activities. You can check different kinds of discharge and causes in recommended link. Discharge means your body's way of getting rid of waste.

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Discharge of contract is a document saying you have met all your obligations under an agreement. This is common with a car title when the finance company sends you a discharge saying you have paid for it all.

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No! It is not a clear indicator at all that you might be pregnant.

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