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Q: What does it mean when you hear the person that you like name over n over?
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What does it mean if when ever someone sees you they say your name?

it mean he like you or she like you or you are anice person or you are a friend

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If a person stops when they hear a certain persons name does it mean anything?

It most likely means they recognize the name or the person. You should observe their facial expression to see what kind of expression or reaction they have to the name. But yes it probebly means something to them.

Why people like to hear their name?

People like to hear their name because it make them feel wanted, needed, or just visible in the world.

When someone tell you they love you and say your name do they mean it?

yes and no because if that person mean like friendship then no but if that person truly love you then yes

Does putting the name of your desire person in sugar work to make that person like you?

Dont be stupid. Where did you hear that? You can try but don't get upset when you realise that its just an old wives tale.