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It means that you are my boss.

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Q: What does it mean when you only have 5 percent of brain function?
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What percent of the brain do you use?

Only about 10%.

How much percent of your brain is oxgen?

About 20% of the oxygen that you inhale is used by the brain, despite the fact that the brain only makes up about 2% of your body weight. The brain is highly dependent on oxygen to function properly, which is why disruptions in oxygen supply can lead to serious consequences such as brain damage or loss of consciousness.

Is it true that humans are only capable of using 10 percent of there brain?

No, it's been proven that when a person isn't doing anything, the brain is actually using at least 30 percent of their brain

What percent of brain Einstein used?

He only used 9% in 100%

How much percent does your brain use when you read?

100%. Its a myth that we only use 10%. If we only used 10% we would be brain dead.

What are you do if you have too much brain?

What do you mean? You only have one brain.

Do you use 100 percent of your brains?

No you don't use your whole brain. Only part of your brain is ever used.

Can you make your brain work 100 percent?

While it's not possible to use 100% of your brain all at once, you can optimize your brain function by getting enough sleep, staying physically active, eating a healthy diet, and engaging in activities that challenge your brain such as learning new skills or solving puzzles. Prioritizing your mental health and well-being can also help you think more clearly and effectively.

Why do you only use 1 percent of your brain?

We do not only use one percent of our brains. All parts of our brains are used. The brain is decided into sections that control different things, such as, emotions, memory, creativity, and controlling the body.

Why can you only use 20 percent of your brain?

there is so much knowledge in one small brain that it has to " load " out processess while deleting some

Is true that you only use 10 percent of your brain?

No. That's completely false. We take advantage of 100% of our brain with both conscious and subconscious activities.

What percent of your brain is used for senses?

Approximately 20% of the brain is dedicated to processing sensory information from the five senses (sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell). This part of the brain includes areas such as the visual cortex, auditory cortex, and somatosensory cortex, which are responsible for integrating and interpreting sensory inputs. The rest of the brain is involved in various functions such as cognition, memory, and motor control.