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Q: What does it meanthat on whisker is much longer than the other?
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What is the meaning of It isn't allowed to put so much as a whisker inside the door?

It means absolutely forbidden to enter. Example: the dog isn't allowed to put so much as a whisker inside the door. (Meaning that the dog must stay out. The dog can't even put a whisker inside the door.)

How do you use the box-and-whisker plot to describe the information of height and weight?

The box-and-whisker plot is simply a visual representation. It doesn't describe anything specific like height and weight. If you don't understand what a box-and-whisker plot is, you should be asking about what a box-and-whisker plot is. This is much like asking about what a pie chart is or a bar graph is... it's meaningless without context.

What if One foot is longer than the other foot?

if one feet is longer than the other, then it is pretty much normal

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How much does a Siberian tigers whisker cost?

At a guess, an arm and a leg, and that's if your brave enough to try to get one.

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They would live much longer with other roly polys.

Why do you think humans need to be taken care of much longer than all other animals?

Humans have a longer period of dependency due to the complexity of our brains and the extensive learning required for survival. Our culture and society also play a role in extending this period of care and support compared to other animals. Additionally, our longer lifespan and slower maturation process contribute to the need for extended care from parents or caregivers.

How much longer is Uranus and Earth?

Much longer

Can you put the word classes' in a sentence?

these classes' books are much longer than those of my other classes.

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The much longer name is United States War of Independence

Does chocolate last longer in different containers?

Chocolate should last longer in better-sealed, airtight containers, much like any other food. Keeping chocolate in a sealed tin should extend the freshness much longer than bar left out in the open.

Why is the word hi used so much instead of other greetings?

Hi is a word that we learn at a very young age. Good morning and other phrases are not used as much as they are longer to say.