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Q: What does it takes all sorts to make a world?
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it takes all sorts to make a world

Are the English people as stoic as purported?

I take Stoic to mean 'one who keeps his emotions under strict control, or one who accepts the inevitable or a person with calm fortitude'. I am sure that some English people are. But as it takes all sorts to make a world, it takes all sorts to make an England

Why is there a such thing as bad people?

because then there would be no such thing as good people, it takes all sorts...

Who were the people that invented sex?

In the beginning there were the birds & the bees....................................... of all the absurd questions...... oh well, it takes all sorts.

What does the world provide?

the world provides all sorts of vitamins and vitamins keep us alive.

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There are all sorts of commanders, but a Christian can be one.There are all sorts of commanders, but a Christian can be one.There are all sorts of commanders, but a Christian can be one.There are all sorts of commanders, but a Christian can be one.There are all sorts of commanders, but a Christian can be one.There are all sorts of commanders, but a Christian can be one.There are all sorts of commanders, but a Christian can be one.There are all sorts of commanders, but a Christian can be one.There are all sorts of commanders, but a Christian can be one.There are all sorts of commanders, but a Christian can be one.There are all sorts of commanders, but a Christian can be one.

What kind of people watch Shakespeare's plays?

All sorts of people all over the world.

How much does it cost to smoke 20 fags a day for a month?

That will depend on the brand of cigarettes and where in the world you are. There are all sorts of brands so the cost would range widely and then they are different costs in different countries.That will depend on the brand of cigarettes and where in the world you are. There are all sorts of brands so the cost would range widely and then they are different costs in different countries.That will depend on the brand of cigarettes and where in the world you are. There are all sorts of brands so the cost would range widely and then they are different costs in different countries.That will depend on the brand of cigarettes and where in the world you are. There are all sorts of brands so the cost would range widely and then they are different costs in different countries.That will depend on the brand of cigarettes and where in the world you are. There are all sorts of brands so the cost would range widely and then they are different costs in different countries.That will depend on the brand of cigarettes and where in the world you are. There are all sorts of brands so the cost would range widely and then they are different costs in different countries.That will depend on the brand of cigarettes and where in the world you are. There are all sorts of brands so the cost would range widely and then they are different costs in different countries.That will depend on the brand of cigarettes and where in the world you are. There are all sorts of brands so the cost would range widely and then they are different costs in different countries.That will depend on the brand of cigarettes and where in the world you are. There are all sorts of brands so the cost would range widely and then they are different costs in different countries.That will depend on the brand of cigarettes and where in the world you are. There are all sorts of brands so the cost would range widely and then they are different costs in different countries.That will depend on the brand of cigarettes and where in the world you are. There are all sorts of brands so the cost would range widely and then they are different costs in different countries.

What does Africa people do?

That question is impossible to answer properly. There are hundreds of millions of people in Africa and they do all sorts of things. Africa is a vast continent with over 50 countries and a huge range of things that people do, just like in the rest of the world. They have all sorts of different jobs, all sorts of different sports, all sorts of different activities and so on.

What services does Grand Princess cruises offer?

They do all sorts of services. They might not be available in all the countries in the entire world. They have an okay name for the company. they might do luggage and all sorts of different stuff.

How did Elvis Presley make a difference?

he can dance and do all sorts of things with his body

In puberty can you feel gay?

Yes -- in fact, it's pretty common. All sorts of things happen to your body when you hit puberty, and it takes a while to sort things out. Don't make any hasty decisions, just ride out the storm. It will all make sense in a year or so.