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Q: What does matrix mean in mathematic terms?
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How does a mathematic mean differ from an average?

Short answer: NoLong answer: There is, strictly speaking, no single "mathematic mean" but there is an Arithmetic Mean, a Geometric Mean and a Harmonic Mean (see the related linl for some more details)The "Arithmetic Mean" is what is generally considered the "Average"

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Plural of locus, or position. The term is often used for a set of points, for example, a line, a circle - all the points (positions) that satisfy a certain condition.

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You have to hack into the Matrix. In simple terms, you use WiFi to trick the Matrix into thinking you are just a regular person still hooked in.

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For a square matrix, the order is the number of rows (or columns).

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If you mean the Mathematic angles, one is that they can all be put together to form shapes.

How much is one score in terms of mathematic number and time?

A score in time eans 20 years "four score and seven years ago" means 87

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A square matrix in which all the entries of the main diagonal are zero

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'Theta' is a zero-looking Greek letter with a line across. It is used in physics and many mathematic equasions.