The SI unit of distance. This is 100 centimetres or 1000 millimetres or 0.001 kilometres
No. A centimeter is one one-hundredth of a meter (0.01 meters). A kilometer is 1000 meters. Five kilometers = 5000 meters = 500000 centimeters
44 square metres = 473.612 square feet
0.072 m3 with a depth of 0.05 metres would represent an area of 0.072/0.05 = 1.44 m2
Angstrom meters is the measurement for lightwho knows enymore
No, the result of multiplying Newtons by meters is not a valid unit in physics. Newtons represent a unit of force, while meters represent a unit of distance. If you multiply Newtons by meters, you get Newton-meters, which represents a unit of work or energy, also known as a joule.
0.06 of a meter
300 square meters is an area identical to 3,229.173 square feet (rounded)
To create a scale drawing that measures 20 meters by 15 meters using a scale of 1 cm to 5 meters, you would need to draw a rectangle that is 4 cm by 3 cm. Each centimeter on the drawing represents 5 meters in real life, so 4 cm would represent 20 meters and 3 cm would represent 15 meters.
No. A centimeter is one one-hundredth of a meter (0.01 meters). A kilometer is 1000 meters. Five kilometers = 5000 meters = 500000 centimeters
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Each intermediate contour line represents a change in elevation of 10 meters.
you can't. length and weight can not be converted. think about it that doesnt make sense. Pounds are a measure of weight and square meters are a measure of area.
In science, speed is usually represented in meters/second.
They would measure it by nilometers Carvings in walls that represent meters
You can not convert meters to cubic meters unless they represent the length of the border of an area. Metres is length, cubic metre is volume - they don´t translate. Might as well ask how many gallons there is to a yard.