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Q: What does modal time interval mean?
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What is a modal class interval?

It is the class interval with most number of observations.

What is a modal class interval when it comes to statistics?

When observations are grouped into class intervals, the interval that contains the most frequently occurring value is known as the modal class.

How do you do modal interval in maths?

write an interval and a scale for the data set 55,30,78,98,7, and 45

How can you get the frequency of the preceding class interval when the modal class is the first class interval?

You cannot have a preceding class to the first class. There is no zeroth class.

How do you find out the modal range?

if data is in the form of frequency distribution then the modal range is the interval containing the highest frequency of observations

What is the meaning of meanwhile?

The intervening time; as, in the meantime (or mean time)., In the intervening time; during the interval.

What does interval decrease of lung mass mean?

There's less lung mass than there was last time it was checked (i.e. over the intervening time, or interval).

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What percentage of times will the mean (population proportion) not be found within the confidence interval?

What is high modality?

it is a strong word that is used in expositions and arguments if data is in the form of frequency distribution then the modal range is the interval containing the highest frequency of observations

What is time interval in science?

An interval is the spacing of time. For example: I ran for an interval of 10 minutes then walked for an interval of 30 minutes. Or each car has an interval of 0.5 seconds.

What is the Separation in time and space?

Interval .

What is time-interval?

Time interval is the period of time between the start and end of an activity.