

What does movement depend on?

Updated: 9/25/2023
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Q: What does movement depend on?
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Because there's two engines on each side of the blimp

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Many living things, such as humans and animals, depend on air for breathing. Additionally, fire requires oxygen from the air to burn, and weather patterns can be influenced by air movement. Plants also depend on air for photosynthesis.

How does the States of matter depend on moecule movement?

Yes. And the molecular movement is depenadnt on the temperature. If the molecules move quickly, it tends to be in the gas state. If it slows, it may become liquid. If the movement is very slow, it would then be in a solid state.

Why does a blimps movement not depend the direction of the wind?

because the blimp is propelled by to engines one on each side of blimp

Why does the blimp's movement not depend on the direction of the wind?

because the blimp is propelled by to engines one on each side of blimp

Why does a blimp's movement not depend of the direction of the wind?

because the blimp is propelled by to engines one on each side of blimp

How does movement make sound?

Movement can make sound when objects rub, scrape, or hit each other, causing vibrations in the air. These vibrations travel as sound waves to our ears, where they are interpreted as sound. The intensity and frequency of the sound produced depend on the speed, force, and nature of the movement.

What will be the direction of net movement in this case?

The direction of net movement will depend on the concentration gradient. Substances will generally move from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration, until equilibrium is reached.