It means having more than one digit. In the context of decimal integers it means a number greater than 9.
what does key mean in math
figure math means figure math
the mean (in math) is the average of all the numbers in the problem
No, the math term ratio doesn't mean multiply.
It means having more than one digit. In the context of decimal integers it means a number greater than 9.
What does length mean in math
If you mean a multi-car garage, then the abbreviation is 'multi'.
what does key mean in math
she needs help in math.
HL in math mean hypotenuse leg
figure math means figure math
Communitive means of, or belonging to, a community. It has no meaning in math. Communative does not mean anything - in math or elsewhere.
"Multi" does not mean "many." "Multi" typically refers to something that has multiple parts or aspects, while "many" refers to a large quantity of something.
the mean (in math) is the average of all the numbers in the problem