

What does mundane mean?

Updated: 12/21/2022
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11y ago

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Typical, boring, ordinary.

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Q: What does mundane mean?
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Mundane refers to something boring or not interesting. A mundane reality would be a reality that is ordinary or "dull".

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Make a sentence with the word mudane?

there's no such word as mudane.or do you mean mundane?

What are mundane subects?

mundane means boring, so any subject that you are absolutely NOT interested in could be mundane.

What are mundane subject?

mundane is a synonym for boring. so a mundane subject would be a subject that is dull or lacking excitement.

How do you spell mundane?

Mundane is spelled M-U-N-D-A-N-E.

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To take something mundane or bad and make it sound heroic or good.

How do you use mundane is a sentence?

He was bored a lot of the time, because he had a very mundane job.He was bored a lot of the time, because he had a very mundane job.He was bored a lot of the time, because he had a very mundane job.He was bored a lot of the time, because he had a very mundane job.He was bored a lot of the time, because he had a very mundane job.He was bored a lot of the time, because he had a very mundane job.He was bored a lot of the time, because he had a very mundane job.He was bored a lot of the time, because he had a very mundane job.He was bored a lot of the time, because he had a very mundane job.He was bored a lot of the time, because he had a very mundane job.He was bored a lot of the time, because he had a very mundane job.

What is a sentence for the word mundane?

Michelle has a mundane daily schedule. Compared to his cousins in Las Vegas, Bill led a mundane and boring life.