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dysesthesia is an abnormal sensation, like burning, itching, tingling etc... I have it in my left hand and would not wish it upon my worst enemy, at night I feel like my hand is on fire

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Q: What does myological deficit mean in laymen's terms?
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If a given country imports a greater amount of products of whatever sort (in terms of the money that it pays for them) than it exports (in terms of the money that it receives for them), then its money supply is diminishing, and it has a trade deficit. If, on the contrary, it exports more than it imports, then its money supply will increase, and it has a trade surplus.

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What does it mean to have a deficit?

That more was spent than was earned

What does the word deficit mean? defines deficit in this way: "deficency in amount or quality, a lack or imparement in functional capacity, and disadvantage." Basically to have a deficit means to have less than you need.

What does the medical abbreviation FVD mean?

Fluid Volume Deficit

What is attention deficient syndrome?

I think you mean Attention Deficit Disorder(ADD), if you don't mean Attention Deficit Disorder then you should go into more detail so another contributor can tell you the right answer.

What is a deficit?

A deficit is a shortage. Similar to anaccount that is overdrawn. in other words you are spending money that does in reality not exist yet. Deficit spending is spending money you don't own in other words borrowed money. A deficit, or deficit financing, is what happens when the government spends more money than it takes in from taxes. Deficit spending can be accomplished by borrowing or simply by printing more money. Deficit is a lack or shortage... When governments say that there is a deficit, they mean that they are unable to come up with the required amount of money needed to run the country.

What do you mean by fiscal deficit?

When a government's total expenditures exceed the revenue that it generates (excluding money from borrowings). Deficit differs from debt, which is an accumulation of yearly deficits.

What does the Latin word Deficit mean in modern English?

for a sum to fall short

On a balance sheet what does members' deficit mean?

On a balance sheet, Members' Deficit indicates that there is a lack of equity for the company's capital investors. Usually this account would be known as members' equity, but because the said equity is negative there exist instead a deficit.