The distance measured in sea that is called nautical mile & the speed is measured in knots
1 nautical mile =1852 metre
what is nautical
It means multiplying with constants from a non metric system (such as length using yards, feet, inches) to a metric system (using meters)
In math terms, gram means a unit of measurement. This is a metric unit of mass equal to one thousandth of a kilogram.
A metric ton .
it means the numbers in the metric system
A loft in nautical terms is a bunk.
what use of relevant nautical terms
SS in nautical terms stands for steamshipSS Great Britain is a good example.
what is nautical
It means multiplying with constants from a non metric system (such as length using yards, feet, inches) to a metric system (using meters)
In math terms, gram means a unit of measurement. This is a metric unit of mass equal to one thousandth of a kilogram.
Kilogram means a thousand grams, and gram is the basic unit of mass in metric terms.
That is the correct spelling of "starboard" (the nautical term for the right, rather than the left -- which in nautical terms is port).
A fathom is ten feet depth in nautical terms so if an item is three fathoms deep it is approximately thirty feet below the surface of the ocean.
In nautical terms, the words have the following meanings: Weather - to pass to windward a point of land; the Lizard - a Cornwall Peninsula. Therefore, weather the Lizard would be to make sail from either Plymouth or Portsmouth and pass by the Lizard (point) with the land on the Larboard (starboard) side of the ship.