probobly because pi equals 3.14 and you can make 3.14 negative so yes you can have negative pi
A = pi * r^2 divide A by pi A/pi = r^2 take square root each side and discard the negative answer sqrt(A/pi) = r
Negative pi is - 3.14.
In the domain [0, 2*pi],sin is negative for pi < x < 2*picos is negative pi/2 < x < 3*pi/2 andtan is negative for pi/2 < x < pi and 3*pi/2 < x < pi.Also, the same applies for all intervals obtained by adding any integer multiple of 2*pi to the bounds.
Pi equals the circumference of a circle divided by it's diameter. This value is approximately 3.14159265359, but goes on indefinitely. For most sums 3.14 is acceptable, or just use the pi button on a scientific calculator.
probobly because pi equals 3.14 and you can make 3.14 negative so yes you can have negative pi
A = pi * r^2 divide A by pi A/pi = r^2 take square root each side and discard the negative answer sqrt(A/pi) = r
Negative pi is - 3.14.
Negative pi is a monomial, or a polynomial with one term. Negative pi, as well as positive pi, are not often used as polynomials, but it is still perfectly reasonable to do so.
I think it is 3.14 that equals to pi when u solve it
A pi equals 3.1415326535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923
In the domain [0, 2*pi],sin is negative for pi < x < 2*picos is negative pi/2 < x < 3*pi/2 andtan is negative for pi/2 < x < pi and 3*pi/2 < x < pi.Also, the same applies for all intervals obtained by adding any integer multiple of 2*pi to the bounds.
A negative plus a negative equals a negative.
No Pi is always the same.
Theta equals 0 or pi.
Pi always equals 3.14...
Pi equals the circumference of a circle divided by it's diameter. This value is approximately 3.14159265359, but goes on indefinitely. For most sums 3.14 is acceptable, or just use the pi button on a scientific calculator.