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Q: What does negative pi equals to?
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Can you have a negative pi?

probobly because pi equals 3.14 and you can make 3.14 negative so yes you can have negative pi

Can you solve A equals Pi x radius2 for the radius?

A = pi * r^2 divide A by pi A/pi = r^2 take square root each side and discard the negative answer sqrt(A/pi) = r

What is negative pi?

Negative pi is - 3.14.

Is negative Pi a polynomial?

Negative pi is a monomial, or a polynomial with one term. Negative pi, as well as positive pi, are not often used as polynomials, but it is still perfectly reasonable to do so.

What is the equation that equals pi?

I think it is 3.14 that equals to pi when u solve it

How much is a pi?

A pi equals 3.1415326535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923

Where is trigonometric function in negative?

In the domain [0, 2*pi],sin is negative for pi < x < 2*picos is negative pi/2 < x < 3*pi/2 andtan is negative for pi/2 < x < pi and 3*pi/2 < x < pi.Also, the same applies for all intervals obtained by adding any integer multiple of 2*pi to the bounds.

Negative plus negative equals what?

A negative plus a negative equals a negative.

Can pi be a negative number?

No Pi is always the same.

Sin theta equals zero answer in radians in terms of pi?

Theta equals 0 or pi.

How To find Pi?

Pi always equals 3.14...

What does Pi Pi equals?

Pi equals the circumference of a circle divided by it's diameter. This value is approximately 3.14159265359, but goes on indefinitely. For most sums 3.14 is acceptable, or just use the pi button on a scientific calculator.