nine fourths or 9/4 is equal to 2.25
Yes, they are equal.
In numbers this is (9/4)/(3/4) and is equal to 3.
nine fourths or 9/4 is equal to 2.25
Yes, they are equal.
they are equal
In numbers this is (9/4)/(3/4) and is equal to 3.
9 and 1/4 as a decimal is 9.25
21.6 of them.
six eighths nine twelves
No, a perfect square is a number that can be expressed as the product of two equal integers.
1.25 is equal to five fourths.
If the whole number is twelve, three fourths? No, nine tenths of twelve would not be a complete fraction. Eighteen twentieths would equal nine tenths, or 90 percent if you're looking for a metric answer.