it is nine million nine hundred thousand
Nine million = 9,000,000
What does 12 million dollars look like written
Because if you turn a nine upside down then it does not look like anything but if you turn a six upside down then it looks like a nine.
nine million
nine million looks like this 9,000,000 so we look at the number of zeros and use them to work out its standard form. 9 x 106 = nine million
No. Nine hundred thousand million written down looks like this 900,000,000,000. That is a 900 followed by nine zeros which is 900 billion. Nine trillion written down would look like this 9,000,000,000,000, which is a 9 followed by 12 zeros.
he will look like the nine tail
what does the number 500 million look like
Like this: 9,000,000
it is nine million nine hundred thousand
nine fnrngtgrng35ngunreigjkb5nerijgnrefdigjkvntfrnugrugnugnerugneurngrng4ngu4ng4
Nine million = 9,000,000
What does 12 million dollars look like written
Because if you turn a nine upside down then it does not look like anything but if you turn a six upside down then it looks like a nine.
nine million