I think it means 1st name and lastname. If you're having trubble with spanish, you can always go to Google.com and type in Translate in the box. It will come up with google translate and you can pick practically any language to translate from.
What does the name Raudel mean???It's a nombre compuesto from Latin America, a name combined from the names of the child's parents:Raúl y Delia = RaudelAt some point the name took on a life of its own--now people just name their babies Raudel, especially in Mexico.
y means the coefficient of the number.
If you mean: y = -8 and y = -2x-12 then the solution is x = -2 and y = -8
If you mean: 8.4 = y-4.6 then y = 13
Do you mean y = 4x+9? If so then the y intercept is 9
it means: and your name
Surnames (last names)
What is your name? Usually refers to first name. ¿Cuál es tu nombre y apellido? This means "what is your first and last names?"
What is your name? Usually refers to first name. ¿Cuál es tu nombre y apellido? This means "what is your first and last names?"
El Nombre = The (first) name ('Nombre y apellido' = 'name and surname') Pronounced 'ell NOMbray'
He/she/it's//you are nothing that exists/is and what is his/her/your/its name
nombre = name
Varios apellidos tienen diferentes origines.
Esta práctica se debe a la tradición de la cultura hispana, donde los apellidos paternos se consideran más importantes y se colocan primero. En algunos lugares, como en España, es común colocar primero el apellido de la madre seguido del del padre. Esto puede variar dependiendo de las leyes y costumbres de cada país.
"Su nombre" means "your (formal)/his/her/its name".
nombre del dinero: name of money
'nombre d'habitants' means 'number of inhabitants' in English.